Lowell Nolan Dibble
January 14, 1961 - November 29, 2019
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Lowell Nolan Dibble on November 29, 2019.
Lowell was a good man, a hard worker, and dedicated husband and father. He was a source of encouragement, comfort, compassion, kindness, and provision to his surviving wife Lisa and son Trinity. He continually tried to improve himself, and perhaps change did not come in the timing that others expected of him, but with the consistency of love in his heart, he became a better man.
He was like the rock in the river that slowly shapes to the pressure and stress ebbing around him, remaining a firm foundation, too stubborn to be moved, yet willing to be shaped, sculpted, and polished with kindness into a deeper bedrock of love. He always spoke his mind, letting no one doubt where he stood, so his principals and integrity were never shaken. He was a great dreamer, always thinking of grander things and wanting to pursue them for himself and his family.
The memory of his dreams and hopes will continue in our hearts to encourage and remind us that there is nothing too large to believe in so long as we believe in ourselves. To him everything was possible, and the future was bright, and nothing was about to stop him, not even his difficulty with Aphasia.
The family would like to thank everyone for their sympathy and kindness during this time of grief and sorrow – to everyone who listened with comfort, patience and goodness.
Psalms 62: 5-8
Find rest, Oh my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation;He is my fortress. I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God: He is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in him at all times, O people; for God is our refuge.
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