Lorna Sandra (Langer) Krause
August 2, 1973 - November 9, 2016
We are saddened to announce the passing of Lorna on Nov. 9 at the age of 43 yrs. after a lifelong battle with Cystic Fibrosis (CF).
Lorna will be remembered for her love for life, her fighting spirit and her encouragement to others as she herself battled through a Double Lung Transplant (Living Donor) and her ongoing health challenges.
She will be lovingly remembered by her husband Steve, daughter Chelsea, parents Roy & Sandy Langer, sister Vera and brother Corey, nieces and nephews, family and many friends.
Celebration of Life
Sunday November 20, 2:30 PM.
The Salvation Army Temple
9115 75 St. Edmonton
In Lieu of flowers donation may be made to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Special thanks to Lorna's Transplant Team and the Nurses on 5E3 at the University of Alberta Hospital.
Roy, Sandy, Vera and family: There are no words for this time in your lives. It is downright heartbreaking for you to have to say goodbye to your beautiful Lorna. I only hope that knowing you are being carried in thought and prayer by a great crowd of friends and family who love you dearly will bring you some peace and comfort. We have a marvellous hope in Jesus and we know we will spend eternity with her one day. In the meantime, feel hugged and loved. Joy
My heart is broken for you all!! I’m so glad I had the pleasure of meeting Lorna!! She certainly was full of life!! God bless you all and take care of each other! Sending all my love to each of you xoxox Elaine Smith
Hi am so sorry to hear of the loss of you beautiful daughter sister auntie I know you and her were best friends Vera as well as sisters. My prayers are with all of your family.
I am verry sorry to hear the passing of a dear friends daugther she will always be in my wife and I hearts ready in peace
My prayers are with Roy and Sandy and family, Lorna was a strong and beautiful lady inside and out,she fought a great battle,may she rest in peace, the memories you have shared with her will help you through this time of sorrow, GOD BLESS and take care
We are so sorry to hear of Lorna’s passing….in these days remember the memories I am sure you have many.
May God’s love surround you all during this difficult time.
Kay & Glendon Bungay
Roy, Sandy and extended family members, I have been thinking about all now for many days. I don’t have words to express how I feel. I sincerely want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you at this very difficult time. Sending much love to you and your family.
She had the heart of a champion the toughest most courageous woman I’ve met. From our family to yours much love and our heart felt condolences.
Roy, Sandy and family, we are more than sorry for the separation and pain. Take comfort in the fact that God provided super parents for Lorna. You have overcome so many challenges together and Gods abundant grace will provide now. Continue to trust and pray. We admire you and love you both. Wayne & Rosemary Green
Steve,chels,Roy ,sandy and Vera. It is unimaginable what you have to endure with the lost of one amazing lady. Lorna was the most caring,compassionate person I have ever had the honour to know. Your fantastic memories with Lorna will guide you through with Gods help. My god hold you even closer at this time. Love to all Doll.
Roy,Sandy and family…my heart goes out to you in love and with prayers during this time.i know that it is a heartbreaking time for you all. Continue to trust in Him who is able to strengthen you in these days. Hold on to your memories and be assured that you will meet her again.
Roy, Sandy, Vera & family, we were very saddened to hear of Lorna’s passing this past Sunday. Lorna was such a sweet girl. We think of all of you often. God Bless in this time of sorrow. Love and prayers – Meta & Martin
Roy and Sandy and family. You have been in our prayers much in these difficult days for you. May the Lord embrace you in His arms and comfort you all.
Roy and Sandy.. I was in disbief when I read your post of Lorna;s passing. I truly was prying that this was just another difficult challenge she would over come. Her strength and endurance has exemplified the life long marathon she ran. Lorna is now at peace… I would so be at her service, however, I am in Cuba from 18-25 th.. Big hugs and I definitely will call when in Edmonton … Eventually your tears of sorrow will be tears of joy of knowing that LORNA LIVED!
Roy ,Sandy and family, Emma and I join the many who are passing on their words of regret and sympathy. Just remember you are remembered in prayer, that God will fill your sad hearts, that you will feel the undergirding of His mighty power and grace. He will not forsake you, He never sleeps,He’s ever attentive to His children. God bless you now and in your time adjustment in the coming days. We want you to claim Psalm 46:1
So sorry for your loss. .lorna was the best..my friend and long time neighbor. Prayers and thoughts to all the family…
I am so sorry to hear of your daughter’s passing, my thoughts and prayers are with you all at this sad time. While you grieve her loss, she is safe in the arms of Jesus, where she suffers no more, and one day you will be reunited with her again. I will continue to keep you and all of the family in my prayers. May God be with you all and grant you the peace and comfort you need at this time. God bless .
Abe and I send our condolences to the family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you in the loss of your beloved Lorna
I’m praying for you all…life is hard CF is harder by far..Lornafought and fought..knowing her has changed my life….she inspired me her courage and attitude and sarcasm..????
God’s richest blessings of comfort and courage as you face these difficult days. Grace and mercy be yours.
To all the Langer family: How heavy our hearts when we lose a precious loved one but our joy comes in knowing they have gone to glory and will never again suffer the pains of this world or body. Because I never met your daughter, I want to say your pain is felt in my heart and having gone through this myself, my prayers are going up for you. Your faith, love and memories will always be with you and the child you brought into this world is where every one of us want to be. Stay strong and her light will always shine in this dark world because she knew Christ. Peace be with you and God bless each family member and all who knew and loved her while she was here. Rosemarie Chase
So sorry to hear of this very sad loss. Losing a daughter must be very hard for you both. Prayers for -you all at this time. May God comfort you in a very real way. I remember both of your girls from the days at Bloor Central 1989.
Roy, Sandy and family, we are so sorry for your loss. Be assured of our prayers.
May you sense His peace and comfort in the days to come.
To Roy and Sandy, and all the extended family,
Our thoughts and prayers at this time of your loss. May you feel the healing presence of God touching your lives and ministering in His own gentle way to your spirits. May God comfort and bless you during these days.
Elmer & Shirley Pavey
So sorry to hear of Lorna’s passing. My thoughts and prayers are with all the family.
My heart aches for all of you as you travel this tragic path. My husband also had a Double Lung Transplant and I feel your over-Whelming pain. My thoughts and prayers are with you…. Rhoda
Roy, Sandy, Vera and family, I was so shocked and saddened to learn of Lorna’s passing. I can only imagine how difficult it must be for you all. She will no longer suffer or be in pain and will be your guardian angel. Stay strong in your faith and God will help guide you through. Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.
Rosylin Colbourne Snow and Goldie Colbourne
We are so sad to hear this news. Please know that we are upholding you in prayer knowing God is holding you close.
Bert & Kathie Sharp
She was such a fighter! I hope, that as time passes and the pain fades, you will be left with the memories of the joy she brought you.
I never met Lorna in person, but through the magic of the internet I really got to know her, I witnessed the strength she had, her love of life and her love for family. She was a brave girl and put up a great fight. May your family find comfort in each other at this sad time. Love to all. Linda
May god give you the strength to overcome the pain
You are in my prayers during this difficult time
“For he shall give his Angels charge over thee , to keep thee in all ways “
So sorry to learn of Lorna passing.our prayers and thoughts are with you at this difficult time.cerish the memories you had with her.god bless
Sorry to hear of Lorna passing. I pray that GOD will surround you with His love and strength to carry you over the days ahead.
Roy, Sandy and family: Please accept our sincere condolences on the loss of Lorna. We know that this has been a difficult, but rewarding journey for your family and, knowing that she was enveloped in the love of her family and uplifted in continual prayer and support will help you in the coming days. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Love from your cousins: Herman, Lilian, Doreen, Minnie & Rene (& families)
We are very sorry for your loss. This world has lost a great lady, a friend, a mother, a wife, a daughter and a sister.. Lorna was and always will be a great inspiration to everyone. She will be surely missed. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Gina and Steve Connolly
Our prayer that each member of Lorna’s family will bathed in God’s love and surrounded by loved ones to comfort them.
Bill & Eva
Thinking of you with deepest sympathy and we are sorry for your loss
Thinking of you with deepest sympathy.
To Sandy, Roy and Family:
My heart as been so heavy and saddened in the past few days thinking about all of you guys. Would love to be near you at this time but as you know I have commitments here. I am there in thoughts and prayers.
I was so privileged to have met Lorna and her family a couple of years ago and her wedding in Nova Scotia, and more then thrilled to be able to help out with the meal at her reception. What a wonderful memory! Hold on to your precious memories!
So glad that we have a hope that we will all meet again someday. May God comfort you and surround you with His peace and love as you go through the coming days.
Please be assured of our thoughts and prayers.
Love Sis — Katheryn & Bob, Point Leamington, NL