Isabelle Evette Dubois
Isabelle Evette Dubois, passed away at the age of 85 years old, while she resided in Mundare, Alberta.
She is survived by her children, Rob and wife Cheryl, kids Jennifer, Amy, Matthew, Starla and 6 great grandchildren, Rob and wife Ange, Rita and son Timothy, Sally and kids Amanda, 2 kids, Jennifer and husband Josh 3 kids and 1 great great grandaughter, Chris and Chantelle and 1 kid, Gilbert (son), Carol her daughter, her sister Gloria and 2 kids and nieces and nephew, her brother George and 3 kids, Harvey and wife Ann and 1 kid, as well as her family and friends Charlene and Gladstone and many more in Mundare.
Deceased are her daughter Anita who she joined, sister Doris, brother Roly, her parents, Alfred and Margarite Lafantaisie, and her ex husband Henri Dubois. She touched a lot of lives.
Isabelle loved playing Crib, Bingo, shopping and gardening, she worked in the hospitality industry and worked at Northwest Tent and Awning.
There will be a memorial service held in Mundare on Saturday June 1, 2024 at 2:00PM at Father Filas Manor (5024 53 Avenue, Mundare AB).
Please come join us to Celebrate Isabelle's Life.
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