Gordie Barry Joshua Thiessen
With great sadness we share the sad news of our beloved Gordie Barry Joshua Thiessen's Passing. Gordie was born February 1, 1982 and left us to be with God on May 22, 2023 at the age of 41.
Gordie will be remembered for his kind and caring soul and his joking and teasing that made us all laugh. Gordie loved to see people happy. Gordie's love for his Michael Jordan Apparel (hats, shoes and clothes) will remind us all of him always , every time we see the Michael Jordan silhouette we will remember Gordie and his love for his outfits and bling.
Gordie recently became a certified loader operator in Edmonton and was so proud. We will always remember the amazing beautiful smile he shared with us all.
Gordie is Survived by his father Gordon Thiessen (June), Mother Alice Matlock (Don), his Daughter Kate Cash Thiessen, his son Embry Valliers and son Jaxon Post. He also leaves behind his sisters: Bonnie Ile and Natasha Thiessen; his step sisters: Celisha, Dawn, Cassandra and his step brothers AJ and Don Jr. Along with Nephews, Nieces and countless Aunts, Uncles and cousins he spent good times with.
A Celebration of life will be held in the very near future in Southern Alberta where most of his family resides.
So sorry to hear! A young life Shortened! My Condolences and Prayers for all of the Family
To the entire family! My thoughts, condolences and love go out to all of you. I only remember Gordie as a young boy, he was always wanting to be around dad and fixing stuff. Good kid!
I’m so very saddened to read this. I will be praying for God’s grace on every heart that loved him.
I Love You soo much Bro 😭😭 missin u beyond words 😭 I know ur lookin down on us and smiling 🙏❤️🙏
rest easy my friend 🙂 cherish the memories:) You were such a happy person, my condolences to your family 🙂
Our deepest condolences to the families. I will always remember his laughs, jokes, smile. You will be missed dearest nephew. ♥️
Ty so much
rest in peace my friend,I will remember all the times we had together in mill woods.
I have had the privilege to have known Gordie while he lived in the basement suite with Tammy! I was very sad to have been told he passed away ! He was taken too soon ! I will miss seeing him around and of course Ty Ty ! I am so sorry that he left earth so soon ! He was such a nice guy . Gordie hope your adventure in heaven is as much fun as here on earth !
God took you into his home, where Jesus made a room for you. One day we will meet again and memories we will share. I may not have had much time with you here. I know we will have all the time there. Rest easy cuz.
Gordie, I am still so speechless that you’re gone. And it’s hard to put into words just how devastating of a loss it is for me. You were such a beautiful human inside and out. You were always lifting people up when they were down, always making people laugh, and always doing anything you could to make life easier for others. The way that you interacted with children was so precious to see. Kids absolutely loved you. The way you were with our fur babies; I’ve never seen anyone so sweet to animals. You treated me like gold. You loved me so unconditionally; I truly felt like I was in Heaven when I was with you. You had such an amazing outlook on life and I looked up to you in so many ways. I loved seeing you light up when you would talk about your kids. I know they meant the world to you. I’ll never understand why God took you so soon but I know for sure you’re watching over me. I love you with all my heart and soul Gordie. I never stopped loving you, and I will continue to love you until the end of time. I’m grateful for our time together here on Earth and I look forward to spending eternity with you. Thank you for everything you taught me. Thank you for being such a great friend/lover, and thank you for all the amazing memories that I will cherish forever. You will forever be my always. Save me a spot in Heaven. XOXOXO. With so much -love Tammy❤️
My condolences to all the family’s who lost a son, a brother, a father, an uncle, and a friend. It’s a sad sad day to have someone taken away to early who was in the prime of their life. The angels will definitely have their wings full with all Gordie’a jokes and antics lol.
Send me a sign that heaven is all that it’s hyped up to be…I will be on the lookout for your white feathers…just don’t pluck them all out lol you will prob need some of those left so you can fly around watching over all your loved ones. I will see you on the flip-side Gordie and we will laugh and reminisce and bug each other about the tinge of our halos and how your Angel robe looks like a dress lol.
Keep smiling Gordie, you will live on in a lot of hearts! Hope you know that I appreciate all the nice things you said to/about me when you reached out to me not long ago. My apologies I could not be there for you like you wanted/needed me to be. Hope you can forgive me…sorry I never said thank you when I had the chance.
Keep a good eye on Embry I hope he is doing well. Give him a big hug from me and let him know I love him and will never forget him or you. You two were a huge part of my life for a long time. And if Embry ever wants to find me I would love to see him or hear from him again. Thanks Gordie. Now take your new angel wings and fly to new and exciting heights! Unless of course you would rather take your loader instead lol though I’m not sure the clouds could handle the weight lol.
Love and light to you Gordie and your family and friend’s!!!! We will celebrate and cherish the time we all had with you Gordie. It most definitely has been to short of a time but it was more than not a good time lol Gordie always made sure of that!!! Except maybe when good old uncle Charlie Horse would come out to play lol….Embry, Anthony and Dante and Violet would know all about that liol.
Sweet message! I know you guys spent years together. I was always a lil jelly of that. Just cuz I loved him so much and I wish I got that much time with him. He will be missed by so many of us. We definitely have a special place in his heart. Take care Clara❤️
I got my first white feather! Yesterday at 4:15 pm as I was just leaving work. Thanks Gordie that was a quick response!…make sure you send all your loved ones them too to let them know that your ok and that you love them! Everyone be on the lookout for your white feathers!
A few days before you wrote that message about white feathers, I seen one and instantly felt the need to pick it up. I put it on my fridge with all his photos. Then after reading your condolence message, I knew for sure that white feather was from Gordie❤️
Thank you, you take care as well Tammy. Hope his kitty will help comfort you with cuddles. Be on the lookout for your white feather(s) he will be sending them to you guys as well I’m certain.
My sincere condolences (belated) to Gordie’s family. My husband and I got to know Gordie a little bit when he attended Terwillegar Community Church. Though I didn’t know him for long or closely, I have been shocked and sad to hear of his passing. During the time we got to know him, I could really see what a genuine and gentle person Gordie was. I am thankful to have met him.
But for all of his family and friends who are walking through this tragedy and the grief that comes with a sudden loss, I am so sorry for the pain that you are going through and pray that God will comfort and heal your hearts.
Gordie, it’s been a year today since I found out of your passing. It’s been the hardest year of my life hands down. I just lost Prada and knowing she’s with you now gives me so much peace, especially since she was your favorite. I’m so grateful that you left me Tika. I cherish him so much. He really likes stroller rides. We go for lots of walks and just reminisce the good times we had with you. I miss you so much, I’m constantly thinking of you. Thank you for giving me the best few years of my life. And also thank you for showing me what true love really means. Til we meet again. I will always think of you my super handsome Angel. I love you
Gordie was my friend for over 25 years. I was just talking to him on Snapchat and he just texted me videos of him working at his new job, of his new car and his new apartment and how good and happy his life was right before he passed away, I was so distraught i crashed and totaled my vehicle, I will forever be changed by his passing. I can’t believe he’s gone I still ache inside , miss him, and cry every day