Brenda Evelyn Wray
It is with saddened hearts that we announce the sudden passing of Brenda Wray. On January 27, 2024 at 3:30pm MST, Brenda passed peacefully while being cared for at the Misericordia Hospital in Edmonton. The family thanks Chaplin’s Matthieu and Jim for their guidance and as well the team of doctors and nurses for all their efforts and care.
Brenda was born in Calgary, AB to her parents Ken and Joyce Wray on March 14th, 1951. She grew up with her 3 siblings Brooke, Joan and Gary. Brenda is survived by her daughter Christy and son Steven who both reside in Calgary AB.
Brenda was incredibly passionate about many things, but the clear #1 was her love for ancestry and the research it involved. She worked for many years developing incredibly vast family trees for both the Wray and Sims families. Brenda also spent a lot of her time assisting others in their own family tree research and was planning a trip to Europe to meet a distant cousin she found through her research. Brenda's legacy and trees will continue through her daughter Christy as this passion was passed on to her as well.
A celebration of life will be scheduled in the Spring.
My true condolences to all of my family and many friends who knew Brenda, I regret not having a chance to say goodbye to Brenda. My warm love to Christie and Steven. I had a great talk with Christie yesterday and I’m optimistic life will give her good memories and a positive future as time passes through this dark time.
A heartfelt message from Queensland, Australia: We met Brenda and Christy in 2018 before our tour to the west began. In the day and a half we spent together, exchanging stories mixed with laughter, began a friendship. We felt so much warmth and love which continued through numerous emails since, and the odd Skype. Brenda is already sadly missed, but we are glad to have Christy’s continued friendship. We will never forget Brenda, who is in our hearts forever.
Thank you ever so much for that heartfelt condolences and such kindness
No Brenda, my mom will never be forgotten. She was the greatest mom and best friend and adventurer I will ever know.
My mom was the person that people could rely on for help. With her love of ancestry she helped to reunite long lost loved ones. With ancestry she also helped people get past roadblocks to finding out the origins of their families and any family secrets that were hidden along the way.
If you had any kind of problem, my mom was always open to listening and offering advise or just a shoulder to lean on if the need called for it.
She was a blessing to those who knew her. My mom never held onto any hurt or ill-will that she faced. She was a bright light in this world of darkness. Her light will never go out because of the memories she created with me and those she came in contact with over the many years.
As long as my mom’s name is spoken she will live on in Eternity.