Aage Faurshou Tottrup
January 1, 1923 - Randers, Denmark - October 11, 2014 - Edmonton, AB
Aage Faurshou Tottrup passed away peacefully on October 11, 2014 surrounded by his children and grandchildren.
Aage was born in Denmark where he studied engineering. His education was interrupted by the Second World War. Aage proudly served in the Danish Resistance during the war. After the war he completed his studies. In 1949 he immigrated to Canada and began a long and successful career in engineering. He established and operated several engineering design and consulting firms. Through his professional engineering practice Aage contributed significantly to the building of many schools, hospitals and other projects throughout Alberta. He was a lifetime member of APEGGA. Aage loved the outdoors, hunting and fishing his whole life as well as puttering around on his hobby farm. He had a keen intellect and broad interests which resulted in many in-depth analyses, which he loved to share. Dad particularly loved to help us understand politics and government, which he did with great passion. Aage met and married Lois Ottewell in 1949 in Edmonton and together they raised five children.
He is survived by his first wife, Lois Ottewell, his five children, Karen (Brian Woods), Peter (Shelley Vandal), Susinn Shaler, Kiera Garner and Michael (Ying), seven grandchildren and many cherished relatives in Denmark and Canada. We would like to acknowledge and thank Maria for her loyal and kind support for dad as he aged and became less independent.
At dad's request, there will be no funeral or memorial services.
There is never a choice of words to adequately express the loss of a loved one. Aage was first and foremost a gentleman who always had a smile for everyone. He had a great and beneficial influence on many people including our family. He had a knack of selecting the right people to work in his engineering companies and leave them free to fail or succeed; invariably they succeeded. A good part of his legacy is the large number of people he started on that path.
I was very sad to hear that our cousin, Aage, had passed away. He and his first cousin, Gerald Faurschou, always enjoyed getting together when Mom and Dad would visit in Edmonton or in the past, when Aage would visit our family in Manitoba. We will miss our visits. Aage was respected by his extended family in Manitoba and I grew up hearing stories that Aage had shared with family members there. It was always nice to have a connection to our Danish relatives. Aage was a great help in organizing visits when Mom and Dad took a trip over to Denmark a few years ago. Per, Aage’s brother, kindly drove down to show them around Randers and the family sites and to take them to lunch with their mutual 102 year old cousin. It was a wonderful and memorable trip for Mom and Dad. I am thankful for the times that I got to enjoy Aage’s company. With thoughts and sympathy for all the family, Diane