Artur Da Silva Arruda
It is with profound sadness that the Family of Artur Arruda of Edmonton announce his passing on February 1, 2014 at the age of 65 years.
Left to cherish his memory is his loving wife of 42 years Conceicao; his daughter Lucia (David) Carvalho; two granddaughters, Jessica and Amanda; three brothers as well as numerous nieces, nephews and many dear friends. He was predeceased by his parents and two brothers.
6:00PM Thursday February 6, 2014
Our Lady of Fatima Portuguese Parish
12311-55 Street Edmonton, AB
Mass of Christian Burial
10:00AM Friday February 7, 2014
Our Lady of Fatima Portuguese Parish
12311-55 Street Edmonton, AB
Holy Cross Mausoleum
Memorial Donations
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Alberta
10985 124 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5M 0H9
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.
My heart is saddened by your loss and my thoughts and prayers are with you.
My deepest sympathies
Betty Buchsdrucker
Very sad news. Artur was a long time friend of the family, our thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Lucy, I am so sorry for the loss of you’re dad. Thinking of you and you’re family in these sad days
I’m very sorry for your loss Lucy. My most sympathetic condolences from me and my family.
Lucy please also tell your mom I am truly sorry for her loss. He was a great man and will be missed by everyone
I’m very sorry for the loss of your
Husband .And father . Prayers
Queremos por este intermeio dar os nossos sentimentos sinceros a Familia enlutada. Para que Deus lhes deia muitas forcas e corajem pelo eterno descanso de seu Marido e Pai. Um grande Abraco!
Os nossos sentidos pêsamos à família Arruda pela perda do seu ente querido,e que Deus vos deia muitas forças para suportar esta grande dor.
Sinto muitíssimo não poder estar aí para oferecer pessoalmente minhas condolências aos familiares enlutados. No entanto, podem estar certos de minhas orações pelo eterno descanso de nosso querido Artur. Que o Senhor Ressuscitado, razão de nossa esperança conforte a viúva, a filha, as netas e os irmãos neste momento.
Lucy and David
We are so sorry to hear about your loss of your father. You and your family have my deepest sympathy.
“When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. ” ~Kahlil Gibran
Os nossos sentidos pêsames á Família Arruda pela perda do seu ente querido,que Deus vos deia muitas forças para suportar esta grande dor!
I pray to the Almighty to give you and your family enough strength to bear the sorrow due to my uncle’s sudden passing. May his soul receive eternal peace.
The news of our uncle Artur’s death filled us with deep sorrow. May the love of those around you help you through the days ahead, our heartfelt sympathies, thoughts and prayers are with you aunt Conceicao, cousin Lucy and family. May his soul rest in peace.
We are so sorry for the sudden loss of Artur, He was a member of the Economy Family and will be missed by all of us immensely.Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Economy Landscape Family
Out thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in this time of sadness
Conceicao, Lucy, Dave, Jessica, and Amanda
I wish I could express the sorrow we feel, just knowing you are bearing a loss so profound. May it bring comfort to all of you that our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. May his soul rest in peace.
Estendemos nossos sinceros pêsames para você e sua família. A morte súbita do meu irmão Artur encheu-nos de grande tristeza e lágrimas. Sem palavras podem curar a dor que traz no seu coração para a morte inesperada de meu irmão Artur. Por favor, aceite nossas sinceras condolências e sei que a presença do Artur iria viver para sempre dentro de nossos corações. Que Deus dê coragem suficiente para você e sua família a suportar a dor imprevista. Você e sua família sempre estará em nossas orações, que sua alma descanse em paz.
Caríssima família Artur Arruda nossos sinseros pêsames.
É sempre com tristeza que recebêmos notícias que alguem nos deixa
Mas conforta-nos a certeza de que DEUS nos chama para junto
Dele. E nesta Fé em Jesus Cristo, sabemos que o Artur está em seus braços.
Á Sra. Conceição e toda a família, DEUS os conforte com suas GRAÇAS e bençãos nestes tempo de dôr. Que a tristeza se transforme em Flores de PAZ e SERENIDADE.