Leslie Leonard Germsheid
January 24, 1955 - March 13, 2025
On March 13, 2025 Leslie Germsheid passed away peacefully at the age of 70. Les lived his life on his own terms up until the very end.
Leslie is survived by his siblings Lois Ward (Ed), June Hawryluk (Len), Robert (Violet), and Maureen. Nephews, Ryan, Jonathan (Stephanie), Jordan (Becky), Jillian (Tristan), Andrew, Megan (Conner), and Mason.
Leslie was predeceased by his parents Richard and Anne, and sister Anna.
Oh! my beloved brother,I find it difcult to believe you have left to meet your maker too early this way. However,I know God loves you more . We’ll definitely meet one day to part no more. Goodbye.